Name your favorite sax solo.

My personal favorite is Coleman Hawkins playing over Mood Indigo on Duke Ellington Meets Coleman Hawkins (Impulse). Gotta be one of the best things ever recorded. Melodic, technincal, beautiful... He was awsome even when he was just mailing it in. You can never have too much Hawk!

Showing 2 responses by dodgealum

I would second "Doctor Wu" and add Clarence Clemons solo from "Independence Day" on The River. Real simple, just moves me.
Great thread. I've been banging my head all day thinking of additions from some of the great jazz LP's of all time. Then I decided to stay away from mentioning solos from any jazz pieces and concentrate on sax solos in other genres. There are simply too many great solos in jazz to even try to pick a half dozen or so to list here. Besides, is it really a solo when it's part of a lengthy improvisation? (Don't answer that). Then I came back to the thread to see what was up and I saw Steveaustin's posting of the Handy solo on "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" and I chucked my whole approach. That solo KILLS me. I can still remember the first time I heard it--my roommate in England played it one morning and I ended up late for work because I had to hear it like 15 times before I could leave the house. Sorry about the ramble...