NBS or Transparent interconnects balance

I am currently funning B&W Nautilis 802, Krell FPB 300, Audio Research LS16 with Rotel 991 CD and Harm Pro 9 Shotgun. Trying to decide b/t NBS Monitor 4 or Transparent Ultra Xl or other superior alternatives. Please help.
Another cable line which you might rewarding is Nordost. I echo the sentiments above concerning networked cables. Blue Heaven is a bit "fast", Red Dawn a smooth and quick cable, and SPM Reference, the best cable for the money. It can be found on the Net at about cost, used. One word of advice, never use cables to "voice" your system. Let the equipment speak for its sound, the cables simply transfer the signal, imparting minimal sonic artifacts to the signal being delivered. Fast, neutral, detailed. Three words which characterize the delivery of Nordost's cables.
I compared Transparent Reference (latest "XL" version) directly to MIT 330 Shotgun and AudioTruth Diamond x3. The Transparent came in third, the MIT was best. The 350 EVO is much better still. I've not heard Transparent "Reference XL", and after my own experience, don't want to.
i use nbs professionals, friends would bring there cd's over and would comment i cant hear that in my system, i would tell them it was the cables. everyone i let try the nbs cables didn't want to return them. one person has a krell with 801's another audio reseach, cat pre, maton logans. Cables were mits, audioquests, xlo's and it wasn't even close comparision. see review by robert harley in the absolute sound issue 122. nbs had best sound at the ces show i understand, why stereophile and the absolute sound aren't printing this is obvious a problem with the honesty and objectivity of the business.
Hey guys, the reason you do not read much about NBS in most of the magazines is that the people at the company can just plain be jerks. I know of a number of dealers who have sold their cables, but refuse to any more because of the headache and heartache of dealing with this company. I also know of dealers who really focus of cable and have tried to get the line but end up backing out because of what they find out by trying to deal with the company. The cables can be great, especially the Monitor series, but buyer beware. Also the resale just ain't very good. I agree with the comments about the network cable. The network cables also seem to age prematurely.
Hi Steve, Other than the outrageous price of the NBS cables is there any other reason for the poor resale value? I see some of these cables being offered at resale for very low prices.