Neat Ultimatum MFS vs Totem Mani 2

In the future I might be interested in some decent monitor speakers. So far these are my 2 favorite candidates. I have heard the mani-2 with my amp and like it a lot. Even though my amp is only 100w aprox. But I came across the Neat Ultimatum MFS. It seems like a good candidate to challenge the mani-2. Has anyone compared the two? I haven't found much on-line info on the Neat Ultimatum MFS, can anyone tell me a bit more about this speaker. Will it do better with my 100w amp compared to the mani-2. I have heard Neat speakers at shows, don't remember what model only that most of the time naim gear is used to demo them and I liked what I heard.

So if you look at my current system what would be better Totem or Neat. I play mostly rock.
I just remembered one case when I was visiting shop,just to listen Dynaudio,the salesman instead of listening dynaudio confidence c4 was listening Neat speakers,very pleasant sounding speakers,especially bass.
If I may ask, which shop? Very interested in finding a US dealer.thanks!
Neat speakers are no longer distributed in the US. However, you can buy them directly from Neat in the UK and you save about 20% off the old US distributor’s prices. For pricing or more information email Bob Surgeoner (Co-owner of Neat):