Need a CD player to match


Many of you helped with my integrated amp purchase, and are currently helping me to find a great set of headphones and an associated amplifier. Thanks!

Last night, though, while holding a listening session with my fiancee, I determined that the next step needs to be a dedicated CD player that will feed my Audio Refinement Complete Alpha (and Tyler Linbrook Monitors). This unit will replace a nearly two year-old Pioneer SACD/DVDA/DVDV/CD combi player that is the last remnant of the old home theater...

Two price ranges: $100-$500 & $600-$875.

I was looking at a Rega Planet, after one had been recommended by a friend...

Again, thanks!

Showing 1 response by jayctoy

AH 4000 Njoe Tjoeb with upsampler is a good choice.
Within your price range, JD100 Jolida is also one
of my favorite.