Need a speaker for the blues lover...

Hey 'Goners. Currently shopping speakers and am in a quandry of sorts. My listening taste leans towards electric blues followed by classic rock (Tull, Moody Blues etc.), guitar oriented jazz then a smattering of country (Johhny Cash, Willie)or easy listening stuff. I am considering Klipsch RF-52 II, Magnepan MMG or perhaps the new ZU Omen. My budget is up to 1k, but less is ok too as is used. I know the Klipsch and MMG's are 2 different animals but I like the sound of both for different reasons. I have a studio apartment approx. 25'x30'. Amp is a McIntosh MA6200 with a Marantz universal player. Listening area is about 11' feet from the speaker plane. Ideas and thoughts most appreciated.
Check out Tannoy speakers, they were/are used to monitor a huge percentage of recording sessions the world over. They do ALL music well. I think the DMT 12's would suit your needs. Google Hans Hilberink's Tannoy site, tons of info there.

Best of luck,
If you can stretch the budget look into Omega speakers. I had the Compact Hemp, Super Six Alnico Monitors and Super 8 Alnico XRS. Omegas are best known for how they portay the guitar. The best I have ever experienced! I've been in this hobby off and on since the late 70's and the Omegas are the best at guitar. Call Louis and see what he can do for you 203-847-2800. 30 day return policy.