Need advice picking a preamp.

So, I have been looking to add a preamp to my setup, right now I am running Bel Canto Dac3, ran directly into (2) Bel Canto Ref1000s. I am wanting to add a preamp that has a good built in phono stage. So far I have been looking at a few different tube preamps from Mcintosh.
Then the Modwright SWLP.

A bonus for the Mcintosh preamps is that they have good headphone amps.
The C220 only has a MM phono, but is almost half the price here on agon.
The C2300 has many more options, but I am not sure if its worth the extra money.
One other plus the Mcintosh preamps have over the swlp is the balanced inputs/outputs.
One negative of the of the SWLP is it rarely comes up for sale on agon. Although I have heard it is great.

Also one other thing is that all the Bel Canto gear will be replaced over the next year, possibly based on which preamp I choose.

So anyone have any experience with these preamps? Also any other suggestions with built in phono stages within the price ranges of the listed preamps.

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