About the AES PH-1. Like any other electronics it has its strenghts and short-comings. Which ever you end up with will depend solely on what you are willing to compromise.
The ph-1 is a solid performer considering what it can deliver with its price/performance ratio. Audio Asylum has a lot of discussions with mixed reviews (IMHO).(From my experience) It will give you prat and the musicality of tubes . Have the flexibility to tailor the sound by tube-rolling.
One minor (for me)thing worth mentioning (from my expereince and forums)is a slight HUM at high volume (85% volume setting and above). This hum can also vary depending on which MM cartridge use and how good the unit is built and placed. I've read varying reviews/coments from being very quiet to audible hum at listening levels.
If you decide to try the PH-1 may I suggest to get a factory-built unit with the upgrades (and a 30 day return policy if possible). I believe Upscale Audio still sells them at $599.00 (last time I checked). But if you check the AES/Cary website the price is bumped-up to $900.
I've had mine since 2002 and very happy with it. I can only compare it with SS phono preamps (Luxman Tp117 and 1 unknown brand I still use for sanity check :^)
The Ph-1 has that nice bloom at the mids. I use an LP12TT/grado gold cart. Try to use a MM cartridge with at least 5 mv output as the PH-1 has a gain of only 36dB. A 6.5mv output MM cartridge would be the ideal match for this Phono preamp.
For more info on cartridge/phono preamp matching visit "KAB" website.
Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps.
The ph-1 is a solid performer considering what it can deliver with its price/performance ratio. Audio Asylum has a lot of discussions with mixed reviews (IMHO).(From my experience) It will give you prat and the musicality of tubes . Have the flexibility to tailor the sound by tube-rolling.
One minor (for me)thing worth mentioning (from my expereince and forums)is a slight HUM at high volume (85% volume setting and above). This hum can also vary depending on which MM cartridge use and how good the unit is built and placed. I've read varying reviews/coments from being very quiet to audible hum at listening levels.
If you decide to try the PH-1 may I suggest to get a factory-built unit with the upgrades (and a 30 day return policy if possible). I believe Upscale Audio still sells them at $599.00 (last time I checked). But if you check the AES/Cary website the price is bumped-up to $900.
I've had mine since 2002 and very happy with it. I can only compare it with SS phono preamps (Luxman Tp117 and 1 unknown brand I still use for sanity check :^)
The Ph-1 has that nice bloom at the mids. I use an LP12TT/grado gold cart. Try to use a MM cartridge with at least 5 mv output as the PH-1 has a gain of only 36dB. A 6.5mv output MM cartridge would be the ideal match for this Phono preamp.
For more info on cartridge/phono preamp matching visit "KAB" website.
Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps.