Need an integrated for sensitive speakers - Help

I've just bought JMLab Chorus 706s.
I've been told that these are very sensitive speakers by the dealer. I need an amp to pair up with it.

BTW: Max power handling spec. is 75 watts.

I've been looking at:

Audio Refinement Complete
Musical Fidelity A3 or A300
Anthem Int-2

Any suggestions would help.
The Creek 5350SE works excellent with the Chorus speaker you mention. A buddy of mine purchased the two together and they are an excellent musical pair.
What's your budget?

In transisters, try the Electrocompaniet.

In tubes, try the BAT 300x, it actually comes in a solid state version also.

These have power to spare and are extremly musical.
I second the Bryston B60. I had one and loved it, only sold it to upgrade to tube seperates. One thing, try to find one with upgraded jumpers, it makes a world of difference.
The Nait might not be a good candidate for sensitive speakers. Don't get me wrong, I'm not Naim-bashing. I own a Nait 3 and love it. But they aren't the quietest amps around, and I've read that the hiss is unbearable with speakers over ~93 dB sensitivity.

I had a Primare A10 that was wonderful - sweet, smooth AND quiet. Their stuff is worth a listen, if you can find it.