HUGE e30 DAC improvement running off a Li battery:) I am going to look at more DAC's and also into running the whole system off the fairly large RV battery setup which will be getting several times larger as I build the solar power system. I have a very good 1kw D class car audio amp I can use directly and the rest of the system, TV, PC, Modem/Router, tube amp, etc.....will need an inverter so looking into one just for those as all located at the end of the RV. I already have a long length of power cable I can run and the chassis on this is massive so it will make a perfect ground but I might just drive a ground rod in as well to tie the chassis to.
I will look into the car audio realm again for the 12v system, big capacitors. I have some so will use them and likely will have all the clean power I need for no additional cost over what I already have on hand.
I am learning as I go as realized years ago, "I know nothing", I have beliefs which are subject to change as I learn new information which I plan to continue until the end whenever that may come, I turned 70 today and feel more alive than ever:)