need help - Cd players

I'm thinking of getting a CD player in the range of $600 to $700.

I've been researching on what to buy but still no definite answer.
I've look at tubed-players (AMC, Jolida, Heart, AH! and Norh) and solid-states like Rotel 971 and NAD 541.

I can't auditioned much players as a local hifi shop does not carry most of them. The other hifi shop only stocks pioneer and yamaha brands. :-\

So I will have to decide based on suggestions and instinc. :)

If you have better suggestions, please reply to this thread.

Thank you in advance. :)

What about the Arcam CD72, or one of the older models such as an Arcam Alpha 8 or 9? While I do not have personal experience with these models, they have a good reputation as quality equipment, and there are some used Arcam models listed in the Audiogon classifieds in your price range.
Here is the first vote for the Jolida 100. The first review of any kind on the JD100 will be out in a month. Hint: The reviewer liked it so much, he bought it for himself.
Stehno where can you find a Sony S9000ES for 700 smackers? Do you mean used? Best price I could find was $839. Thanks for responding.
AH! Njoe Tjoebs 4000 - I've had the unit for all of two weeks. It's going through a passive unit into a ss amp.
Couldn't be happier.
Go to and look at the shear volume of people who are just as happy with this unit.