Need Help on HeadPhone AMP

OK, tired of bickering with the wife about playing the rig too loud. bla bla

My rig is as follows:
Channel Island mono block class d (d200)200 watts
Acoustic Research LS-8 pre-amp
Rotel cd player (used as transport only)
PS Audio digital III DAC
Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers
Creek OBH-11 headphone amp
Grado SR225 Cans
Soundstring interconnects
Kimber Silver Streak interconnects

At this point the Creek and the Grado are just not cutting it for me. so...... your assistance please

I would like to replace the grado and creek and keep it under 2500. Suggestions?

Sennheiser Cans? Better Grados? I'm not sure of the amp at all....... THANKS so much in advance
All these can be researched on either or
Another very good sounding headphone amp is the Mapletree Audio Designs, of which there are several variants. They are an especially synergistic match with the Grado RS-1's, but sound good with various Sennheisers and the AKG 701's in my experience.

Lloyd Peppard is coming out with a special edition (using tube rectification and EL-84 tubes, I believe), which is being issued this spring.

Again, you can get a variety of user experiences concerning this amp/phones at But the amp/Grado combination is a screaming bargain and should not break $2000 combined.

Hope this helps!
I love my Headroom Desktop headphone amd & DAC with the AKG 701s. About as close to bliss as it comes in my book.
The Burson HA-160 headphone amp just got a rave reveiw from Srajan @6moons. It retails for $699 but partsconnection might have it for less.
As for headphones, it's all a matter of taste.