Johnnantais, Just hoping I did not scare you back to playing shellac 78's on an RCA Victrola.
Herbie's turntable mat is made of open-cell silicone foam.
Actually, if you enter Herbie's Audio Lab in the Google search box, you will be transported into the world of damping, away from this present world of strife, and hard knocks. Anything the site fails to make perfectly clear, can be clarified by telephone call to the number provided.
He has specific knowledge about use on your turntable choices, and he will speak to any potential customer, ignorant of technology though we may be.
Herbie's turntable mat is made of open-cell silicone foam.
Actually, if you enter Herbie's Audio Lab in the Google search box, you will be transported into the world of damping, away from this present world of strife, and hard knocks. Anything the site fails to make perfectly clear, can be clarified by telephone call to the number provided.
He has specific knowledge about use on your turntable choices, and he will speak to any potential customer, ignorant of technology though we may be.