Need help picking PreAmp

Hello, I have been reading Audio reviews for the last few months, I'm really new to the audio world and just started to build a home system.  It is not really high-end but I want a decent system to learn and then upgrade as I learn more.  Let me tell you what I have so far and then you can give me some advice.

Speakers:  B&W 805N
Amps: Adcom GFA-555 II (completely redone and upgraded) looking to get a second one to run bridged

That is it.  Like I said, I'm just starting.  What I want to do is stream in digital music.  Can you help me in choosing a preamp.  I was thinking of either ADCOM GFP-750 or Rotel RC-1570.  I was not looking to go tubes until I learn more.

Can some of you help me.  One is a older preamp and one is a newer one......There is no substitute for experience and I think I have come to the conclusion that I can read all I want, I need advice from an expert.

Get a Schiit Freya tube preamp as it's one of the most interestingly designed preamps to come along in years, and for what it does is also far less expensive than anything else out there...made in USA and sounds great.
I was just focusing on a preamp as it seemed like you wanted to keep your amp for now, but an integrated amp is certainly a good option as well if you’re open to selling your Adcom. I’d think the CAP-151 could be a good match, but I’m not familiar with it so not comfortable recommending it. Especially the earlier N805s were known to be very picky about upstream electronics, so I’m hoping some N805 owners might chime in here as they’ll have better hands-on experience regarding what works best.

That said, you could still try the Krell preamp I suggested above as it’ll get you going and likely sound at least very good in your system, and it's good enough to not be out of place if you upgrade your amp down the road. You can always turn around and sell it likely for little loss if/when you get the urge to upgrade.

The only other thing I’d mention is to not ignore the importance of good cables, interconnects, and power cords. If you don’t already have good ones, I’d recommend contacting @grannyring here and have him whip you up some Dueland wires once you get your equipment sorted out. Cullen is making some high value power cords and he sells direct, or you can make your own fairly easily and save a bundle. Sorry if I’m just complicating things here, but just FYI.
A GFP-750 would be a great choice, but it's old and had reliability issues even back in its heyday, so proceed with caution. 

Personally, I wouldn't double down on the GFA-555.  The one you have should provide enough power for the 805s. If you're looking to improve amp performance I'd sell the 555 and upgrade to something better from this millennium (perhaps something from Classe, which is known to pair well with B&W speakers).  But that's me. 

I assume you have the original N805s, and if so you don't want anything that will irritate those metal tweets.  There's a nice Krell KAV-250p available here now for $750 that may fit the bill, and it should pair nicely with your amp.  Best of luck. 
An Adcom GFP-750, at a good price, in good condition, would be a nice pick. It was very highly regarded as an Audiophile quality pre-amp when it was introduced. I've never owned one, but I do remember reading the very favorable review, comparing it to much more expensive brands.
The RC-1570 is the little brother.  I was looking to spend somewhere in the $700-$800 range.  Don't want to spent too much until I know more.  I'm partially building a system and learning all at the same time.  There is much to learn.
Do you mean the Rotel RC 1590?  I have a three month old 1590 to sell. It is far too complex for me.