Need help upgrading speakers........

Hi everyone, I'm in the market for a new pair of speakers and thought I'd solicit some advice from fellow 'Goners. First the system:

Theta Data Basic transport
Cal Audio Alpha Dac
Audible Illusions M3A
Quicksilver M60's
Tice Solo line conditioner
Illuminations D-60 digital cable
Yamamura /Synergistic Research cables

I also have an Audio Research D200 amp but am currently not using it.

I've had Vandersteen 2CE's in this system for many years and have enjoyed them, but am ready to upgrade. I've listened to Virgo II's, Joseph RM22's, and Proac Future .5's. All are pretty good, all are very different.

Music tastes run from americana and blues to bluegrass and jazz and probably everything in between.

Any thoughts or suggestions on ideas for speaker upgrades are welcome and appreciatted.

Thanks in advance,

I had the Virgo II and III's. The II's are a great all time speaker but they do lack a little in bass extension and are a little wolly there with the midbass hump....saying that I really did enjoy them and they certainly are a nice upgrade from the Vandies.

The III's are bright thin and incoherent... well I didn't like them that much so I sold them and bought a Kayak...

I now have the JTM's with the full range jordan driver and they are a nice step up all around from the Audio Physics....They sound great with my 18watts of tube and that Quicksilver would be magic with them>
I do like the "airy", effortless sound of Joseph Audio products...that being said...Vandie 2s really are the speaker to beat...any chance u could send them in for an upgrade?
Had you thought about recabling to bring the Vandys to life.Give the Mapleshades a listen.Money back if it doesn't float your boat.Or a pair of Gallos?I know of the Due {DO-A},but there is another model up N' coming-soon.Might be able to help ,if heading one of these directions.
Thanks for the responses. I guess the time to upgrade the Vandies would have been before I sold them! Seriously, I did think about upgrading but decided that I'd like to try something new. The Vandies really had rather limited transparency and were somewhat difficult for the Quicksilvers to drive.