Need more slam! Help!

Hi all,

For the most part I am very happy with my current system. I’m still pretty new at the hobby, been about 3 years or so but in that time I feel that I’ve been able to cobble together a pretty nice system.
I currently have a vpi prime scout with an ortofon 2m black cartridge running to a musical surroundings phonomena to a rogue rp1 preamp, to rogue st90 amp and concluding with vandersteen model 3 signatures. Audioquest diamond back interconnects and kimbercable speaker wire.

First, here’s what I love about my setup - huge soundstage, really open and three dimensional. And this is probably what I find most exciting in home audio reproduction, I love feeling as if I’m looking at the stage from the third row and can pick out where everyone is, truly magic to have that feeling from the living room couch. I am pleased with the speed and accuracy of my system, it feels very articulate and controlled.
Now for what I’m yearning for, basically just more omph. I want a lot more snap on a snare hit, I want to feel the music more in a physical sense. I guess you could describe this as a more “live” sound but that’s not exactly what I mean. I really just want some more slam. Where should I be targeting, thinking power amp? Thanks in advance!

definitely a sub set up - a pair of better rels, through high level connection, would be a great solution

maybe get a better ss phono stage like a lehmann or ayre - they can add some slam to the analog output

musical surroundings unit sounds nice but somewhat 'soft' as i recall
The 3a sigs are great. I feel you’re spot on about their strong points. Feed them power and they’ll go deep with live concert atmosphere and imaging. That’s their strength and I loved them for it. I found them to respond well to system upgrades but held back in the areas you’re looking at. I suggest conservative upgrades, enjoy what they do, move on or move up the line.
I am almost certain those speakers are bi-ampable.  If you are getting deep enough bass response from the speakers, getting a first rate SS power amp to drive the bass might do the job.  
A used Chord or Krell power amp would definitely do the job.  You could also look at a Class D.  The Classe Sigma Amp 2 can be had at a sharp price.  I sold one not long ago for about $1200.  PS Audio Stellars would work here.  
If an amp is described as bright or analytic it is brilliant for this application and lots of power to control that bass driver.  You won’t hear the brightness under 500hz.