Need multi-channel that's great on 2 channel

I'm looking for a multi-channel receiver that's GREAT for two-channel listening. I'm thinking of upgrading what I have, given the space I have to play with. Most of the time I listen to music, not watch movies.

Arcam's AVR600 keeps getting mentioned; are there others that are very good musically?

Any input would be most welcome,
Go "hybrid", i have the best of A/V now with the PR-SC5509's great HQV Vida VP (uprezzing those DVDs) and a CP-700 in SSP bypass mode, the stereo balanced A1UDCI (stellar DSD decoder but an inferior BD player, PS3 takes care of that and 3D)directly linked, and couldn't be happier.

The CP-700 make me realize more and more how ignorant i had been thinking an A/V box could do everything for all these years, everything is opening up, I am reauditioning my extensive SACD collection and finding amazing details never heard before in favorite recordings. All of a sudden Roxie's Avalon, Beck's Seachange, and Kraftwerk MCH showpieces take a step back and now I am demonstrating my system to visitors using MoFi and Universal Japan 2 channel remasters.
This weekend got everything hooked up; built the Timbernation racks...the old Arcam Alphas never looked, or sounded so good; good to have them paired up with the Furman Reference 15i, which does make a dfference: I'm getting more detail and more "bottom" to my sound. The whole system sounds better, aided by some Kimber Hero and PBJ interconnects, and 8TC speaker cable. My 2 channel is set, for now; I plan to save up for better amplifiers.

My HT system is also doing well: the Marantz SR7005 sounds great, paired with another Furman conditioner and Mirage Nanosat speakers and sub; long-range: improve the speakers; getting good sound currently from my Marantz UD7006 SACD/BD player.

Thanks again for all your suggestions; keep them coming...
Get a neutral MCh preamp like the Bel Canto Pre6 and a good MCh amp like the Cary Cinema 5 (I owned this combo at one time) or many other quality amps. I'm not sure that the A/V receivers built for 101 uses can compete with this sort of basic technology built for simply amplifying a signal.
It depends also what for speakers you use. The Arcam and Marantz have both a musical sound. But......they both have one other thing in common. They are both almost 2-dimensional in image. How do I know this. I sold them for many years and I Always test them what they can and what the properties are. Onkyo and Integra ( more expensive Primare) both can give a wide and deep stage. Wenn you use speakers with exeptional good cross over filters you get depth and a wider stage. But wenn you use a Arcam or Marantz amp you will loose a lot of the wide and deep stage. Wenn you compare an Integra/Onkyo with Arcam/Marantz amp to the same speakers ( Monitor Audio is a brand which is very good in making crossover filters and give you a deep an wide stage)you will hear how much smaller the stage will be with the Arcam and Marantz. Depth is the most stunning part in highend audio. This gives you the 3-dimensional image in both stereo and Multi channel. These days I use shows and demo's to teach people the difference between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional sound. 3-dimensional sound is superior over 2-dimensional sound. Wenn I let people hear my system they directly understand what 3-dimensional sound is and does. It is that simple!