Need power amp recommendations for system

Greetings. This is only my second post here.  Have read a ton and enjoyed it.  I'm assembling two systems at roughly the same time.  I'm down to amplification for the main system.  Here's the components I have:

GoldenEar Triton Reference loudspeakers
PS Audio BHK preamp
PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
PS Audio Direct Stream Memory Player
VPI Prime Signature TT with Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC cart
Manley Labs Chinook SE MKII phono stage

Should I just finish it out with either the BHK 250 or the 300 monoblocks and have a PSA stack, or would you go a different direction?  I have access to Rogue Apollo Darks at a very good price and I am open to other suggestions.  I really don't want to tinker, but someday I may look around at other loudspeakers . . . maybe.

Thank you in advance for your advice.
I have some of the same components:

PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
PS Audio Direct Stream Memory Player

and added a PS Audio BHK 250 to replace a Schitt Rag to run a pair of Spendor SA1s.

Can’t say how it works or why it works, but the difference is like night and day-detail, bass control,etc.  I am sold on PS Audio.

As with cars, your mileage may vary.  Try to get a loaner.  I think the BHK 250 is among the best amps I have owned (Levinson 336, McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe Monos, etc.).  I still have t he 336 and a second DS Dac running Magi 3.7s.  When the time comes, I expect the BHK will replace the 336.

My two cents.
Just a word of warning to the OP from my personal experience and that of friends with the BHK preamp, it does not always play nice with either strictly SE amps or even ones with "convenience" XLR inputs.  It is a synergistic pairing with the BHK amps.  At to needing with 300's over the 250 it would take a hell of a difficult speaker load to stress the 250 and the Triton Reference is nowhere near that even in a very large room.  Try the 250 from one of the dealers like TMR that allow trials and if not enough for you then move up.  Also as an owner of the M3 TM's you may be surprised at what they will do with more power.  
I have the same PS audio DAC, just sold the transport because I have gone to Aurender to play all files, love the convenience!! The sound is equal. I use a Bryston 4BSST cubed with great results! Sound is crystal clear , and imaging is great with Synergistic Research Atmosphere wire loom. If the PS audio monoblocks are in or just above your price range , definitely go for them I am sure you will not regret it and be very satisfied. Monoblocks will almost always sound better than a stereo amp. And your peramp is designed for the PSA amps so the synergy will be great!