Need power conditioner advice. In reference to Furman/Tice/PS Audio/Richard Gray.

I currently have a Furman Elite 20 power conditioner that I use in a daisy chain method with other power conditioning devices (the Furman is where most devices are plugged into) and would like some advice to see if it is worth it to perhaps switch over to another power conditioner. I am really only looking for comparisons between these units mentioned below at this time. Keep in mind my funds are limited for an upgrade at this time.

If I do a large upgrade I've thought about both a Furman Reference 20i or an older PS Audio Power Plant Premier as they both seem to populate the used market with enough frequency.
Between these two units which would be the better upgrade for audio, which for video?; and if you can a brief elaboration would be of help. Just assume both are in very good shape internally (I know the Premier is an older model).It would take longer to save for these units, and would take away from some money I have been looking to perhaps spend on other things or save, so while I realize this may be the best upgrade route it comes at a cost (no pun intended).

For a more lateral cost exchange I've seen Tice Power Block III Signature units (the extra 3 outlets vs. the Elite's 13 would be nice), and Richard Gray 1200's pop up often enough to get me curious. I realize the Tice units are likely nearing or over 15 years of age, but for comparison purposes let's say the internals of these units are in very good shape.How do these compare to the Furman Elite 20 (or at least the Elite 15 if that is one's best point of reference) in both audio and video performance (separately); and of course any elaboration would help, even a brief one. I've only seen one mention of comparison between the Elite and a Richard Gray and it was split on performance between audio and video, so the more opinions the better.
I am using a tube amp and headphones for audio and an hd crt (with a PC source) for video if this helps.

My devices aren't a big power drain mind you, but I'm mainly looking for performance increases in terms of filtration and such (and possible extra outlets if the Tice is good enough) and not something that can take on more power.
Thank you for any and all help.
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Not so fast regarding PS Audio PPP. I bought one used three years ago for I think $800 and it has been working fine while doing a good job, including for 120watt/ch quite high current integrated. But when the wall current is particularly bad the system does sound like junk, still much better than without it or with an inexpensive old Furman that I have. That said, I heard too that newer PS Audio models are better and much more reliable, but more expensive of course.
In any case, you will want good power cord from the wall to regenerator. Elizabeth's Furutech duplexes should help too but again - money money money.
Ditto: xnay on the PPP. I even sent mine back for a flat fee full gut rebuild. Just didn't do the job and the annoying fan kept cycling even when system was not playing. I have tried many, most kill the dynamics. None compare to my Core Power Technology 1800. Said to be available in March

WireWorld just introduced their own which should be worth investigating. 
I have found the Chang Lightspeed CLS 709 power line filter works wonders in my system!

Very clear, detailed, 3D, sonic improvement.

No coils with time lag. Delivers current instantly. Protects equipment from power surges and lightning hits.

Beat my PurePower 1050 regenerator by a mile.

Not expensive....about $1300 from the Cable Company.

Also bought one for home theater and got, clearer video, and much better sound quality.
Thank you again everyone for your advice.
I do have good power cables, so thankfully that is not an issue.
The Wirewold Spaceport is affordable, though not enough outlets for me. I have to deal with a bunch of video equipment along with audio, so 10 outlets on a conditioner minimum fills my needs.
Unfortunately the Chang only has 8 outlets as well, though the X Series H1 has enough (it's in the Furman 20i Reference price range though, so a bit expensive and another saver). The older CLS HT 1000 also has enough and one is on eBay, so I'm going to check out reviews on that (built in power cord though, but that's not a deal breaker).
Unfortunately in my location there aren't any audio dealers that I know of around, so I'm unable to try things out (I know Cable Company has a lending deal, but the 5% deposit is non-refundable).