Need replacement for garden hose Audio Advisor

There is a lot of good info on this site....and good minds as well. So I would like to hear a few experiences any of you might have had.
I run a slighty Modified Audionics CC-2 driving a set of Pro Ac Tab/2's.
I love the speakers and the sound I have but am very tired of the garden hose Audio Advisor cables that connect them. I have had to resort to cable ties to keep the things on the stands. (Silly putty gives up after a while with a horizontal pull.)
This all.....kind of being driven by my wife crying out in disgust at the looks of the system.

I am very sensitive to the top end, and lean towards all the information being passed rather than the "smooth" rolled off character some folks seem to prefer.

Without getting into the "shun-mookie and tice clock" ozone layer, what have you folks found for manageable, quality seamless cable that is not the size of garden hose??

My wife would very much like the roll of Radio Shack 18 guage. Don't understand her issue though...... Doesn't everyone have a packed 7 foot metal studio rack in thier living room?
Don't Listen to Dekay!!! If you do a search on "Sakura" YOU'LL BE SORRY!!! I did, and I haven't been the same since. That *Redkiwi* thread will take you about a month to read :^)

But seriously, I'm very interested in trying these cables. I have red bits and pieces of the thread. In addition I've contacted *Redkiwi* to make sure he is still sold on these cables a year after trying them.

Dekay, Brulee and Redkiwi speak so highly of them I have no choice but to take the plunge myself real soon.

It seems absolutely insane to use fishing tackle on a reference quality system. But I've always been a bit eccentric anyway.

I will post on that thread or start a new one as soon as I commit to the purchase. Take care and good luck
Glen: I still need to see if the cable "floats". Thanks for reminding me.
Has there been any attempt to build a balanced cable with this stuff? I tried to click on your pic of the digital loopy cable but the link was not valid.
Glen: I have never tried a balanced version as I do not have a need for one. Guess I deleted the digital cable pic in error when I was loading photos for my wife's Ebay stuff? The digital cable no longer exists anyway as I ended up using the cable from it for TT IC's after selling my DAC (robbing Peter to pay Paul:-).
The down side to this cable is an extra RCA cap will run you $25.00 a piece. The up side is you could probably cable a small system including the speakers with one kit. If this stuff really works and I think we can assume it does based on the reviews. That's a steal! Heck I could sell all my reference cabling and recover a couple dollialars.

Has anyone tried it on Electrostats yet?