Need Some Answers Building My First Home Audio System, and using Cornwalls

I have a few questions for you audiophiles out there. I am new to this forum, and I am a music hound and vinyl collector, but as yet not exactly an audiophile, and I definitely lack much knowledge.

I just moved into my first/new home and, in a stroke of luck way beyond my wildest dreams, my new neighbor - in order to "empty out his garage" - gave me two very old, 60's looking 100-watt Klipsch Cornwalls (floor speakers) from their Heritage line (see pic). These are the ones that are 35.75" H x 25.25" w (15.5" deep) and have a titanium tweeter, 1.75" titanium squawker, a woofer and a front-ported cabinet.

My living room’s dimensions are very large, as we blended our kitchen and dining room into it, and took down all non-structural partitions - about 60 feet in length by 35 feet at its widest point.

First I wanted to check on a few things, such as whether these speakers work at all, and I can do that only once I get a receiver (right?). I also need new, less dated grill cloth - I did locate a guy/make a call about that, but I am holding off until I know whether/how I can remove the frame from the front of the speakers. The frames appear nailed in at the front, but the back looks screwed in.

*My turntable (technics 1200-MK2) will be going through this pre-amp (

*It’s important you know a.) I don't yet want a tube amp and b.) what besides the speakers will need to be powered through the receiver:

-4K TV

-1 Turntable/Pre-Amp (mentioned above)

-4K Ultra HD bluray

-cable box

-iPhone lightning cable and 3.5 mm adaptor for phone/other sources

-2 Klipsch Cornwall speakers


A.) I don't need tons of power. All floors are hardwood, with some rugs here and there but can anyone recommend something around 100 W? (I called Klipsch to ask their tech specialist about my speaker details, and the guy said staying at the speaker wattage will be smart, so as not to blow them out) and he said they are 100w. Would like to stay between $200-$500 and get something like a Denon, Onkyo, Yamaha... I suppose it could be used...I obviously want to optimize sound quality. Perhaps your suggestions are contingent on my remaining questions:

B.) Recommendations on a particular Bluetooth-enabled AVR? As much as I love hifi sound from a record on the turntable, there are times when I want to walk In the room and play a recent track from my phone. Also, this is not my private set up - it’s for the whole family, so needs to allow for a range of things, as well as efficiency/convenience. However, I don't use Spotify, Airplay, Sirius, XM, Pandora, DLNA, TuneIn, Tidal, etc. I would only play from actual files on my phone or laptop. (as noted, I will also have a jack coming out of one of the AVR inputs to for my phone to hardwire it sometimes also (in fact, 75% of the time, unless I'm not home for long between work/errands. If you have recommendations on those cables, please let me know.

C) My wife and I got an Alexa for Xmas. Any AVR's work with them? I've read about Smart Home automation and will eventually do the whole thing, but for now it's just music and movies.

D.) i - How do I remove the frame from the front of the speaker in order to replace the cloth? The guy I called about the speaker cloth (Bob Crites, got his name from the Klipsch forum) could tell from the pics that somebody custom made them.

ii- Does anyone recommend removing the cloth altogether and not replacing?

E.) i- Are XLR jacks better connections than just regular wire, or did I misread this?

ii- If so, would the difference in sound be negligible to average ears, or substantial? FYI, I did buy 16awg copper flat wire from Monoprice (pictured) and I imagine that can be connected to XLR's by myself, yes?

iii- speaking of which, how do I actually connect the wires to the Cornwalls? It's a very basic question, but I've never had proper speakers like this, and I don't want to screw it up. Is there a particular technique or nuance?

F.) We may eventually buy a whole-home bluetooth and/or wifi speaker system to bring to our master bedroom and two other bedrooms, so it will have to allow for that.

I think that's all. Sorry if I've overwhelmed anyone.

Thanks in advance and happy new year.

I owned a pair of these for many years.  Beautiful speakers with amazing sound.  You only need 3-5 watts to drive them to very loud levels.  So, don't get hung up on wattage.  Keep in mind that a crappy 100 watt receiver will sound much worse than a vintage Marantz with only 18 watts.
To get the grills off, they are almost always held on with velcro all around.  Pull/pry off carefully so you don't harm the wood or break the grills.  A paint can opener may work.
You don't need tubes but a "warmer" sounding amp is best.  These speakers will sound harsh with some gear.  Enjoy these, if you like the horn sound, there's nothing better.  Bass is amazing too. 
What is your budget for an amp/receiver?  There are ones with streaming, bluetooth and much more that will work well.
You’ve got good speakers, so I agree that you should concentrate on finding a quality integrated. You can add a Bluetooth receiver, DAC, and phono pre.
One reason NAD is highly recommended is because even though it has a modest power rating, it provides the current needed to drive many speaker demands.

For movies you can add a subwoofer to the amp to fill the room with extended low-end and add realism to the sound effects.

If you can find a local audio nut, they could help a lot. Many audio folks are friendly and helpful, after all it's their hobby and interest.

You may consider looking on your local Craigslist under electronics and scan for audio gear ads that are enthusiastic and personable. Give them a call and ask if they, or someone they know would be willing to help a guy out. You've done a thoughtful job of posing relevant questions. The right person can help you with gear questions and have you listening to music pretty quickly. 

My advice is to move slowly at first regarding purchases. I've owned the Cornwalls little brother, the Chorus. They are dynamic and you probably can enjoy your tunes with a rather inexpensive receiver, commonly found used on Craigslist until you start forming an opinion of what you want more or less of. Might ask your neighbor if he has any more gear he wants to sell- in fact he may be the guy to guide you through this. Seems like pretty nice guy to me.

Sorry for the long post, just trying to help. You've got some nice speakers to build a system around. The right person can help you get going and help you position your speakers, which is an important detail. Of course, be mindful who you invite into your home, etc. Maybe there is local audio club, etc. (The Nad suggestion is solid btw- guys on here are sharp and helpful, just thinking a local could help move things along easier.)


@elevick @mesch @tls49 @lowrider57 @uncledemp @mb1audio02

A couple more things. The following features are not offered by the NAD326BEE:

-Built-in DAC (Digital to Analog Converter):
What does this mean? I Googled it but I am still a bit confused. Is there an add-on I can get which is good quality?

-Optical audio inputs: Really? I feel like even basic AVR's have this, although I've never done optical before Is it worth it?? Does it have Optical OUTputs? 

The bluetooth receiver I get will have an optical out. Should I get it anyways?

-High-resolution Audio Playback? Is this necessary? Sounds gimmicky. Remember, I do have large-format AIFF files on my phone and will want to hardwire them through the receiver/3.5mm jack through my phone or another dedicated drive.

Thanks again, all.
You will need a DAC, a digital to analog converter. These can be bought having optical, coax, and USB inputs. Therefore a single DAC can serve several selectable digital inputs and output to a single line level input on the NAD326BEE. I believe having a separate DAC as opposed to a internal one is better for the flexibility it provides.

Your bluetooth device will occupy the toslink optical input on the DAC. If your BD player has a coax digital output it could be linked to the DAC. Your computer can occupy the USB input.

I use a MAC (have both a Mini and a macbook) with AIFF flies as playback on all my systems. I own several DACs, all bought used.
Several come up for sale here on AG. I will take a look after posting this.