Need Some Help Choosing an Integrated Amp

Hi Folks:

My current system includes an ARC SP-16 and 150.2 amplification. I am considering moving in a different direction--going with a quality integrated amp and a separate, high quality phono stage to be fed by a new analogue rig. Right now I want to focus on replacing the ARC equipment with an integrated. I value build quality, tonal authenticity, good bottom end control and drive, PRat, and a three dimensional soundstage. Tubes are OK but I'm leaning toward solid state. Budget would be around $4k new or used. The amp will drive 97db efficient Daedalus DA-1.1's with an Esoteric X-03se as the source.

I'd like to end up with something that is as good or better than what I am using for electronics right now when running my digital front end. Any help or advice is appreciated. I've seen a few interesting products from Bryston, Ayre, Pass Labs and Sugden.
Me too. I've owned a pair of PSB Sratus Gold i speakers for several years & wish to keep. Seems they crave power.
Tried & rejectred Creek5350SE as too polite-this was the original 85 Watt when it first came out and was more like $1,200 new.
Was going to get the Musical Fidelity Tri Vista-when one sees both Sterophile & The Absolute sound agree on enthusiastically recommending the identical product...
Alas, financial woes came on & I've focused the past few years on that, and certainly NOT audiophile gear.
I would surely appreciate feedback, particularly from folks with experience with the PSB Stratus Gold's....
My financial house is getting in order & I want to start thinking about this stuff again.
Just joined aidiogon today after stumbling upon it thru the internet which I have just gotten installed.
I would look into the new Luxman Integrateds as well. They have recieved a ton of awards. They come in both class AB & class A designs. With your setup you can use a Class A 20 watt. They are supposed to be very neutral with incredible power.
Right now I could spend $2,000. Later this year , assuming my $ position keeps improving, I could go over $4,000.