Need some help. Rega RS5s over PSB Imagine Ts?

I recently sold my current speakers and was planning on buying the PSB Imagine Ts. When I went to demo them a 2nd time to make sure, the sales rep recommended I give the Rega RS5s a try. When I did an A/B comparison I was surprisingly more impressed with the Regas. I know a lot of it is based on personal preference but I'm pretty new to this and just wanted to make sure I won't regret my purchase. I can purchase them for pretty much the same price. My question is: has anyone out there compared these two and what ate your impressions? You think overall the Imagine Ts are a better value? Any help is appreciated. I tend to over think/analyze/ stress about these things. Thanks.
You have to live with them, you need to make that decision yourself. If you over think/analyze/ stress about this stuff, you probably need to find a new hobby.

I would also add to your list the Dali Ikon 6 and the KEF R 500.

The PSB are very nice speakers, so are the Rega, it comes down to personal taste.

My favorite would be either the KEF or the Dali.
Thanks a bunch Tpreaves. Really helpful and great job recognizing hyperbole. Thanks Audiooracle for your suggestions. I'll check them out.
I've heard both quite a bit, I'd say for acoustic music in a small-medium room, Rega. In a bigger space or rock , PSB.
Don't over think or stress out, slow down and take your time. You are about to invest a good chunk of change for some new speakers. There is no deadline that I'm aware of, so go back and listen again, and again. Take source material that you are very familiar with and listen.

When you feel confident that one sounds better TO YOU (don't listen to what the dealer says sounds better), buy it. However, be prepared for them to sound different when set up in your own room. Speaker/room interaction is one of, if not THE biggest variable in this hobby. Not to mention the fact that the dealer's gear is probably different from your gear.

Just slow your roll and take your time with this decision.