Need Some Tube Amp Advice

I am looking for advice on a tube amp and preamp setup that isn't outrageously expensive but best bang for the buck.  I have a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls from the 80' and they sound rich and beautiful however I know they can reproduce better results if I get rid of my 100wpc Yamaha solid state amp!  I love jazz and vocal music mainly with some rock and roll mixed in.  I listen to almost exclusively vinyl on either my B&O TX turntable or my Yamaha PX-3 turntable.
As I understand I can customize the tube amp to more of what I prefer but really know nothing.  Please help!
I live in a loft space with 15 foot ceilings in downtown Miami! Basically a cement rectangle with polished cement floors! Its 900+ sf and I have an 8'X 10 foot oriental carpet running down the length of the apartment as well as a 4X6 foot in front of the system! So to say the room is lively its an understatement! But at one end of the rectangle is my bed which offers no return off the wall.  
Manley Chinook phono, Manley Jumbo Shrimp pre, Manley Mahi Mahi monoblocks.  Used prices:  Chinook $1600  Shrimp $2,000  Mahi Mahi $1900   Done

Hope this helps
I have a pair of 40w Quicksilver Mid Monos.... they are great amps!!!! Dead silent ,sound excellent with EL34 or 6l6 type , built like a tank. Mine are a little over 5 years old and have been rock solid reliable. I have had a few tube failures and either nothing happened or the fuse blew as it should with no damage. I have had several tube amps in the past and these are my favorite. I’m running a pair of Heresy III and it is a perfect match.
Jperry mentioned the Luxman,  I could not believe how great that amp sounds with Forte' III...  a must audition if looking for a low powered integrated.   Scarey how lifelike it sounded , I was with someone who is not into hifi and he was floored.
@mbd3 Given your space issues I think you'll be grateful for the reduced harshness a tube amp brings to the mix. Harshness and hard surfaces can be pretty painful!

I'm thinking that you'll want something that is about 30 watts or so since the room is rather large. With that kind of power, IMO/IME SETs are pretty much out of the question as the more powerful you make an SET, the less bandwidth you have. So a mid to lower power push-pull amp is where I would start.

What sort of budget do you have?