Need Speaker Opinions please

My room size is 8 FEET HIGH -20 FEET LONG -14 FEET WIDE. is this considered a small medium or large sized listeing room? I am pretty new to this hi fi game so there are alot of things im unsure of, i live in a very small town with no major hi fi shops, this is why i need your thoughts, I want floorstanding full range speakers, my budget is 4000 dollars, i want speakers that output enough bass that i woulden't have to add an external sub. Can u guys give me the names of some speaker that fit this bill, the few allready on my list are, gershman avant gardes,legacy focus "used", and the tannoy d 500 or 700's . I listen to alot of rock music, so, the less neuteral sounding the speaker the better, i have 1000 cd's and most of them are poor recordings. the rest of my gear consists of the mcintosh mc 42 premp, mcintosh mc 352 power amp. can u guys add to my list of speakers i should be sure to check out along the lines of what i am looking for, i could really use some help here, thanks for taking the time to read. Regards Mike
You have what I believe is a medium sized room. There are many, many speakers which should work for you in the $4,000 range. Given your amp you can choose between efficient and not so efficient speakers. Perhaps the Genesis APM-1 that is on auction now would work for you. The current bid is about $3,000, and these have a built in powered subwoofer which will give you all the bass you need. As for the Dunleavy speakers, if you shop carefully you should be able to get a pair of IV's, which are much better than the III's (the Dunleavys will work best if you are able to put them along the long wall). The only problem is that the Dunleavy's are very large, more than six feet tall and so if you have an WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) problem you may want to make sure that they will fit your situation. The full sized Merlin speakers with BAM may work as well and these can be purchased for less than $4,000 used. You may also want to try out the Hales, which may be the sound you are looking for. If you have a cooperative wife you may like the sound of the Maggies, you can get the 3.5's (a wonderful speaker and a steal right now often under $2,000 because everyone wants to upgrade to the 3.6's) The latest version of this series, the 3.6's, can be had for less than $4,000 new and, even though the 3.5's are a great speaker, are a definite improvement, especially in the bass. I also agree that you do not want to cheap out on the speaker wire. The wire you use should depend significantly on the amp and the speaker combination you are using. Good luck.
If you really want to rock, then full size floor standers are the way to go. Take a look at the ad here on audiogon for the Tyler Acoustics A-12's. They have two Eminence 12" woofers, (the same as in the Legacy Focus), plus two 7" Peerless 7's and a Vifa 1" tweet. Rated 20Hz~20kHz. Full list is only $2950 in real wood veneer finishes (four oaks, maple and walnut), and they weigh about 125lbs each! They room shown in the ad was at a customers house, and is 8H x 15w x 33d. He is driving them with a pair of Carver Silver 9's at 575 watts per side, and at the seated position some 15 feet away, they were pumping out 112db, with NO signs of breakup, and still had plenty of room to go. I'll be happy to forward you the owners e-mail address if you'd like to ask him his opinion on them. Just drop me an e-mail and I'll get you some more information. Happy hunting! :-)
Talon Audio makes a line of speakers that have completely floored me. I am in NJ. 973-812-6717 oliver
The Avalon Eclipse and Arcus are both GREAT speakers; however, they won't play at ear crushing volumes. I listen to alot of rock, but also jazz, blues, and classical and my Eclipse's are the best I've had in my system BY FAR!! If you have a good high powered amp (preferably tube, though good solid state works also -- McCormack DNA2 works very well), you cannot beat these speakers for $3600 used. I also owned Martin Logan ReQuests (not good for heavy metal, though ok for other rock), Mirage M3Si (pretty good head-banger speaker -- plump bass/midbass and fairly forgiving highs), and Aerial 10T's (great bass, though not as well integrated with the mids and highs as the Eclipse and not as good at soundstaging. Still the 10T's are much better than ML ReQuests or Mirage M3Si). If you really just want to jam most of the time, try one of the older BW 801 models(used under $4000) and mate with a high powered solid state amp. They can rock with the best, though they need alot of juice to come alive.
Korn, You won't go wrong with a pair of Legacy Focus. Recently upgraded to the Focus. The bass in these Focus are something to behold. No need for a sub with these, three 12 inch woofers. Their midrange is world class, bar none. The Focus are also very efficient, around 96db. My wife and I listen to mostly rock, but not exclusively, and these babies kick butt. You can usually find them used for around $2500 - $4000. Check ebay every now and then. That's where I purchased mine. Go to and check out their website, if you haven't already. Good luck with your hunt, Skip.