Need speaker recommendations.

I need recommendations for speaker brand/models that can be placed relatively close to the front wall without degradation in sound quality. Say, within 1-2 feet. My front wall is ’h’ shaped (side view). There is a 1-ft deep ledge at the height of 2-ft 4-inch from the floor (imagine right half of the letter ’h’) and the overall height of the wall is 9-ft. Front to back wall is 18-ft.


Budget under US$8,000. Don’t care between stand-mounted or floor-standing. If a specific partnering amp/preamp are highly desirable (for any reason) please tell me why.





Bought a pair of Larsen's years ago, thankfully second hand, I refurbished them and made money on the resale.  They sounded good but only with amps I could afford.  I was using a 50 watt Creek at the time and it never drove them at all. I tried a friends very expensive Naim and what a difference.  For what it's worth having tried dozens of speakers for my small music room, 3.2 x 4.5, I find Harbeth, many Wharfedales, all Monitor Audio, and most Dynaudio just plain boring.  On the other hand I find all horn based speakers painful to listen to and just plain awful for voice, especially Klipsch. One exception, Fyne Audio I listened with both tubes and SS and liked the F1 - 5 very nice, and the F7 -00 very good too, albeit both with 2 subwoofers, as per my home set up. Yes 2 subs in a small room.  It works extremely well for me with my Audio Physic Sitara 25's.

Well  I am quite different than the above poster but I think the difference is that I like harbeth speakers but I have a high power solid state amp.on them. A mark Levinson 33h. Harbeth s like lots of power. So I also have a pair of slh5 speakers. Not one of the monitor s. They are far more more musical than the monitor speakers. You will need an amp that can swing current.  Now if you want tube amplifier s I would recommend a canary amp. I had a stroke of luck the other day and bought some new old stock ca160 monoblocks for a great price. Between that and the canary ca801/802 preamplifier and a Krell KPS 20i I had they are really making an older pair on equation 25 s I have sing. Wonderful combination with second generation transparent reference wire. Those speakers are rare but when you find a pair cheap. Here is a link to the harbeth speakers.







it's all relative, I tried a dozen speakers and found one pair exceptionally good, one that you found boring.