Need Speakers to be Close to Wall $10k budget

I've been enjoying my Audio Physic Avanti III speakeres for a few years now, powered by Joule Electra Grand Marquis 160 (160wpc OTL monoblocks). I currently enjoy the speekers in a large room that allows placement pretty far into the room, which suits the speakers. However I'm moving to a new place this weekend and space is more constrained - I'll need to have the speakers closer to the wall, and perhaps just a few inches away from the wall. This won't be an ideal setup for the Audio Physics, so I'll likely need to change to something more suitable. I can spend a bit more too this time. I'll be buying used and my budget would be in the area of $10k, though would be happy to spend less.

I'd prefer not to have to sell/swap out my amps but might consider it if absolutely necessary. I'm much more inclined towards tube amps, but could possibkly spring for something like Bryston 28BSST for the Magico's if the ss match was deemed essential.

I was thinking maybe Magico Mini II or Wilson Sophia II or perhaps Rockport Mira or MBL 116. These are speakers I'm a bit familar with (other than the Magicos) and I like what I've heard - I listen to a wide range of music and watch a lot of movies too. I've a Velodyne DD18 sub on hand too, so the speakers don't need to go that deep necessarily.

I'd welcome any suggestions. Thanks!
Outlier... Check out the Wilson Duette's. They come with two sets of speaker cable pigtails and resistors that re-configure them for placement either right up against a back wall... or out in the open. Wilson recently came out with the Duette II's so original Duette's are presently being offered on AudiogoN at bargain basement prices.

Placing my speakers "out in the open" was never an option for me so I grabbed a pair of the Wilson Duette's and I'm happy... happy... happy.

Thanks everyone for the responses - all good reading. I made
my move a couple of days ago and it will take another couple
of days before my system is up and running again. I'll
definitley check if I can make the Avanti's work in the
room. I do LOVE the pinpoint imaging that these older Audio
Physic's are famous for - they really disappear (I owned the
Virgo II as well, and these were even more impressive with
regard to imaging), but will need to see if they still have
that magic in this new room and/or if other downsides
present themselves.

I did notice the Duettes on Audiogon and they do intrigue me
a bit, in that they are designed for 'hostile' environments
and they may work well in the smaller room I have. Will see.
Outlier, if your Avantis cannot work to your satisfaction I have another recommendation. And they come in fairly well below your $10K limit.

The new Janszen zA2.1 projects a large, full, and detailed musical presentation from a modest sized package. It is a hybrid with electrostatic mid/tweeter above 500 Hz and dual cone woofers below. Three things make it unusual, beyond it's sonic capabilities. First is the rear of the cabinet is enclosed, rather than open as with most dipole drivers. Therefore it can be placed closer to the front wall than many other speakers while still presenting a wide and deep soundstage. My pair sits out only 15" from the wall after careful experimentation with placement. Second is the excellent integration for a hybrid design. Any others I've heard have some level of discontinuity between the electrostatic and cone drivers, but not the zA2.1s. Third is they are easier to drive than most electrostatics. Nominal impedance is rated at 6 ohms but their load only varies from 4 to 10 ohms. And while rated at 87 dB efficiency, when the controls are increased to the top of their respective ranges (+3 woofer and 0 mid/tweeter) they are closer to 90 dB. I imagine your JEs would sound wonderful, although they provide more power than would be needed.

Anyway, good luck.
ZD542 gave good advise try out what you have first.
FYI if you find it not working
Why settle for a stylish Mini Monitor without bass when technology can work for you.
This is right where the emotion of music is.
Having great balanced foundation transitioning to the mids is priceless.
Having tuned many Vandersteen Quatros many only 4 inches off the wall,now Quatro Carbons with Seven technology ya really need to hear these anyway every room is different and their unique left/Right balancing act room compensation feature works like magic.
Cheers JohnnyR
Vandersteen dealer for over 20 years.
Go with electrostatics with low bass output. A bit of wall treatment and you'll be finer.