I jumped on that transport! thanks for the tip!
I used to sell Wadia's moonlighting in my friend's shop, so I am well aware of their sonic characteristics. Didn't think I'd ever be able to afford one.
The person with the teac had a few standing offers for $50 less so I took his initial price and ran with it. Now just need to settle up, thanks.
I'll let you know how I make out
My EVS's hum is not that noticeable, but I still wish it wasn't there. I have not tried grounding it yet.
I also have the attenuators although I always use the dac straight into the preamp. I can toggle switch on the back of my Audio Research D200 amp between balanced and single ended input, so I could set it up that way, but I don't. One day though this may make it to my bedroom system then I wouldn't need a preamp.
I am a bit miffed that Ric is no longer making the millenium, but then again he seems to want to work strictly on straight mods. I auditioned the Millenium against an Audio Research Dac 3 and a Sonic Frontiers CDP1 and the Millenium was so much more revealing.
I asked Ric a number of times if he would produce a balanced output version of his dac, but he isn't interested. Anyone know of someone who might be able to do this? I am purchasing an Audio Research LS 5, which is all balanced inputs, so it looks like I'll be buying a lot of single ended to balanced cheater plugs.
I have been interested in the low end toshiba DVD/CD/DVD-A machines (4700, 5700) which can be purchased for $270-$400, but not sure if they truly output a DVD-A 24/96 signal.
Sean, what coax cable are you using from transport to dac?
I jumped on that transport! thanks for the tip!
I used to sell Wadia's moonlighting in my friend's shop, so I am well aware of their sonic characteristics. Didn't think I'd ever be able to afford one.
The person with the teac had a few standing offers for $50 less so I took his initial price and ran with it. Now just need to settle up, thanks.
I'll let you know how I make out
My EVS's hum is not that noticeable, but I still wish it wasn't there. I have not tried grounding it yet.
I also have the attenuators although I always use the dac straight into the preamp. I can toggle switch on the back of my Audio Research D200 amp between balanced and single ended input, so I could set it up that way, but I don't. One day though this may make it to my bedroom system then I wouldn't need a preamp.
I am a bit miffed that Ric is no longer making the millenium, but then again he seems to want to work strictly on straight mods. I auditioned the Millenium against an Audio Research Dac 3 and a Sonic Frontiers CDP1 and the Millenium was so much more revealing.
I asked Ric a number of times if he would produce a balanced output version of his dac, but he isn't interested. Anyone know of someone who might be able to do this? I am purchasing an Audio Research LS 5, which is all balanced inputs, so it looks like I'll be buying a lot of single ended to balanced cheater plugs.
I have been interested in the low end toshiba DVD/CD/DVD-A machines (4700, 5700) which can be purchased for $270-$400, but not sure if they truly output a DVD-A 24/96 signal.
Sean, what coax cable are you using from transport to dac?