Need your recommendations for amazing recordings

I love Jazz and classical music. Winton Marsalis, Diana Krall, Natalie Cole, Yo Yo Ma, and so on. I am looking for extraordinary recordings of amazing musicians in this genre. I love when the instruments and vocals come to life. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.
GZ3827 -
Melody Grdot about to release her 4th! Yippee!!

Thanks for the heads up...I have her first 3 releases and luv em all! As said, all quality recordings as well.
Thanks foe all of the great recommendations. Now it is time to go spend some money :)
Check out any of the Stockfisch vinyls. All sound great IMO. Sara K is my personal favorite on that label but they have some classical and jazz too. I'm almost sure you'd like any of them you tried.