Neotech NC-P313 vs. Furutech FI-28 Plugs

I am going to be constructing a power cable and wanted some advice. I had Wattgate standard power connectors on my power cable and they didn't sound too good. I upgraded them with cheap Sonarquest pure copper plugs (at least that's what they say they are), and the positive effect of these plugs was instant and profound! 

Having the Sonarquest plugs make such a HUGE positive difference, I was wondering if upgrading to a Neotech or Furutech would be worthwhile, since they are better made than the $11 Sonarquest plugs? I am trying to decide between these 2 models of plug. I ALSO, wanted to know if the FI-28 is the same as the FI-46, but with a different body?

If anyone can help me with this, who has tried any of these plugs, that would be great!
@auxinput...I forgot to ask one thing in the last post. Do you have any experience with the Neotech rhodium plugs?
Would you say the Neotech gold plugs are on the warm side of neutral?

Thanks for all your help!
I think the Neotech gold plugs would be ever so slightly on the warm side of neutral.  It really depends what "neutral" is to you.  They have more attack and resolution than Furutech gold, but not as much as Furutech rhodium.
Neutral to me means things sound like the real thing. Voices sound like the person and instruments sound like how they sound if you were sitting next to them. unnecessarily warm comes across to me as muted highs and the feeling like you have cotton in your eyes while listening to the music. Could also means everything is recessed. Bright to me, means harsh highs and very forward upper midrange, usually combined with excess sibilance. 

If the Neotech gold have a bit more attack than the Furutech, that is probably a good thing. Now it is just a choice between the Neotech gold or rhodium...