Neotech NC-P313 vs. Furutech FI-28 Plugs

I am going to be constructing a power cable and wanted some advice. I had Wattgate standard power connectors on my power cable and they didn't sound too good. I upgraded them with cheap Sonarquest pure copper plugs (at least that's what they say they are), and the positive effect of these plugs was instant and profound! 

Having the Sonarquest plugs make such a HUGE positive difference, I was wondering if upgrading to a Neotech or Furutech would be worthwhile, since they are better made than the $11 Sonarquest plugs? I am trying to decide between these 2 models of plug. I ALSO, wanted to know if the FI-28 is the same as the FI-46, but with a different body?

If anyone can help me with this, who has tried any of these plugs, that would be great!
Furutech hardly makes any silver plated models, but i do see the FI-48 Male comes in silver.

For "neutral" I would probably say Rhodium.  The Furutech gold-plated is colored in the sense that it softens the highs and also slows the bass.  Silver is also not neutral because it tends to push the upper mids and highs and sound bright with lack of bass.

I have found that Rhodium actually has better ultra-high frequency response and extension than silver.  I read once that silver does not do a good job at dampening electrical resonance and that's why it sounds so bright.  Because it's resonating, it cannot stabilize enough to provide clean very high frequencies.
@auxinput...would you say that the Neotech gold is also colored towards the warm side of neutral? 
@auxinput...I forgot to ask one thing in the last post. Do you have any experience with the Neotech rhodium plugs?
Would you say the Neotech gold plugs are on the warm side of neutral?

Thanks for all your help!