Network Switches

One cannot measure the difference between Duelund 2.0 uf tinned copper foil CAST capacitors vs a $5 Solen 2 uf cap at the output of the same dac. However, they will sound radically different. One cannot measure the difference of many component upgrades, but they impact the sound greatly. Great sound and measurements can and often have nothing to do with other in many situations. What measures well on that site often sounds rather Hifi like or electronic. Units like the Topping Dac he loves so much is one example. Ever listen to it? Sounds artificial. I’m am sorry, but that site makes me laugh out loud because it is often irrelevant to those looking for great sound. 
If you read through the comments you will see that he tested the etherregen switch with a schiit modi  dac as well, it showed no difference either. 
As they say.... if it sounds good and it measures bad, you are measuring the wrong thing...
So the sonic benefits can only be recognized in areas that no one yet knows how to measure?  Then what's the basis behind the design of such a product?  I now have zero desire to even try this out.  There are many other areas of sound reproduction I'd rather direct my energy and resources towards.  Just one guy's opinion.  
Measurements play an important role as does good building techniques, layout, design, parts quality and synergistic pairing of parts.  However, listening and fine tuning based on actual sound is also very important.  It all matters. That’s why I have to laugh at that one note song site.