Neural x. Vs. dolby surrond

networks and lots of streamed movies come over in an uncompressed pcm stereo listening format.

My feeling is that Dolby surround tends to deal more so with compressed formats, and neural is more suited to uncompressed data. Sadly, neural is more available with blu-ray stuff which I don’t get involved with that much.

I think a decent ht processor displaying PCM brings out a better quality using neural x vs Dolby surround which seems overly filtered and seems to be a lossy experience.

Hbo seems to really suck because they don’t use the better quality Dolby streams despite it being almost 2023. Watched A recently released movie just the other night on HBO and it was in a pcm format which is pretty ridiculous. Why is HBO nearly $15 a month, the interface is horrifying and I really don’t see stuff I like on it that much




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