Neutral or warm? Which do you prefer?

I have 2 sets of speakers with different characteristics (among others I have).

One is neutral while the other one has more warmth to the sound.

I enjoy both on different music, but started wondering what do other members prefer?

What's "supposed" to be "better"? ... if there is such a thing in hifi.

Opinions of members here are most interesting and educational for me...
Previously thought I preferred "neutral", by comparison, until I actually measured. Makes me wonder what some consider "warm".
I think warm works better with a cheaper rig

neutral when the hi fi is very good

in general, ymmv

I lean toward a gentle golden glow myself...
05-24-13: Jjrenman
I totally agree but if lots of people are using "neutral" to describe speakers with a tilted up frequency responce than what word are they they using to describe speakers that do the least amount of tonal shifts either up or down?

Well those that feel that tilted up high frequencies are "neutral" would probably refer to speakers with little tonal shift as rolled off, or warmer sounding. While those that like a true neutral sound would probably refer to such speakers as "neutral", or "natural" sounding. Those that like warmer sounding speakers would probably refer to the same speakers as a bit "bright" sounding.