neutrality vs. realism

What is actually the final goal of high-end audio: to reproduce recorded music as neutral as possible or to give the highest possible level of realism? For some manufacturers (like Spectral and Madrigal) it is the ultimate goal regarding their amplifiers, to sound like no amplifier at all. There is less coloration, less "house sound", more "truthfulness". I think this is a good basic consideration, but it must not derive the sound of it's musicality. Those amplifiers are generally sounding lifeless! Don't get me wrong, this is not about the tubes vs. solid state controverse at all, because I think that solid state amplifiers are able to give a high level of musicality without sacrificing neutrality (Boulder, FM Acoustics). What seems perfect on paper is not always the way to go: "neutrality" and "perfect measurements" are not the synonyms for musicality and realism.
Onhwy, I bought a used GRACE 2ch Lunatec mic pre for $800, rather than two glitzy 101s. Glad I did: the small Lunatec velco's under the piano out of sight, its detented knobs are finger-friendly in the dark, and its TOTALLY silent.
Get one used NOW as it's been replaced by the Lunatec V3 with a DAC in it for $300 more. The Alesis has a fine DAC, so it'd be redundant. Readers should note that I made 40 foot cheap-but-great Canare XLRs from mic thru pre thru Masterlink to Aleph P! $0.44/ft! A pro favorite, and now I know why. Yet when it came time to connect the Masterlink to the beloved Aleph P pre, my left/right brain balancing act between Asa's subjectivity (Nordost?) and pro engineers' (TWO of 'em watching me intently, laughing all the way) objectivity (more Canare) resulted in a crisis of audiophilia I made the Canares AND bought a 1/2m Blue Heaven XLR (at least I didn't get SPM, eh?).
My new/old piano teacher insists that I perfect getting my lower back energy projecting into my Brahms' chords, instead of sweating the wire. Man '0 man is she right? No wonder we marry these other-chromosomed types, eh? Cheers.
Ying and Yang is dualism. The "truth" is non-dual... The "supreme truth" cannot be contradicted to each other! Ying/Yang can only bring you to the door, but not into "the house". This is where "great men" are different from men...