That number, is 10% or more of the whole manufacturer’s VALUE, in cash expense/costs --attached.
That a PC can be entirely built out of Chinese and Asian parts at $1000, but assembled, tested and software installed by the ’manufacturer’ at $101 at factory floor costs (assigned as a number by the manufacturer), all done in America or Canada.
This allows the company to attach a ’made in America’, or ’made in Canada’ sticker. 100% legal and correct in the spirit of the law and letter of the law.
Otherwise all the cars you drive would very much be of foreign origin. Any Ford, or Chevy, etc.
That’s what Tara was basically doing, but were raided, and the us customs was probably egged on, repeatedly... by competition who wanted them to go away.
The audio business can get ugly and has been quite ugly at times.
However, one can’t just remove a label, put the item in a box and call it ’made in America’.
One has to prove those (minimum 10%) expenses as a correctly derived reality, if asked to do so. It’s an honour system and runs decently enough. Like the RoHS compliance system for the EU.