New Amp help/recomendations?

Hoping some can share experience on this topic. My current amp (ARC Ref 75) while I love the sound is not powerful enough to drive my new speakers - 89db/4Ohm Sonus Fabers. I mean volume is there, but soundstage a bit collapsed, Dynamics a little flat and bass missing oomph speakers are more cabable of.
Amps I am targeting - through lots of reading and research, since I can't get out to listen - are the following:
PSA BHK 300's, Krell 300XD, Theta Promethius, Pass Labs 250.8, Modwright 150se,
Thanks for input/help here.

Not at all. Watts don't work the way most think. There's many reasons this is so, but unfortunately the minute you delve into them it only riles up the technobabblers and away we go down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. When the only thing that matters is how it sounds, and the reality is there's amps that sound way more powerful than mere RMS watts would lead you to believe. 

Those speakers you have are pretty close in efficiency to my Talon Khorus, which I have driven plenty loud in my rather large room with two different tube amps, 50 and 60 watts. Both of which drove them slightly less authority than a 150wpc McCormack DNA1, not exactly a slouch SS amp. Watts just aren't all they're cracked up to be.
Yes, Raven is also now in the speaker business.  I did hear them at the home of the designer and they were damn good.  They also offer cables.   I purchased RCA, speaker cables and Power Cords from them but I have not used them yet so I can't comment on them.  From a price perspective you can't beat them.  

Thanks willgolf, great response. I will look at them some more. They don’t have just amps do they?  They are gorgeous looking though aren’t they?
I’ve been convinced I’m seriously under powered, but you and miller both think, not the issue? 

Look, I have direct experience with Raven Reflection MK2.  It drove Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage Speakers.  A couple of facts....Outstanding customer service, a great owner in Dave Thomson, and some of the best tubes you could ever possibly find.  I ended up putting KT150's in mine to drive up the WPC to near 70.  I experimented with various other tubes from Raven.  So much fun to do that to get different musical experiences. 
The Raven Amps are a show piece.  People gravitated to the amp as soon as they came in the room.  The power was crazy good.  The music was like being in the first row of a symphony, or if you desire, the 40th row at a Ted Nugent concert.  It drove the Sonus Fabers with ease.  
You really should give Dave Thomson a call at Raven.  Listen to what he has to say.  No pressure but you will certainly learn a lot.  
I had to look up Raven as I've never heard of them. Interesting looking stuff.
So, for the first time in my middle aged life, and after 18 monthes of construction, I finally got a dedicated listening room!  No time for integrated amps now, I can put sh#t anywhere! No more shared Living Rooms. Heck, I'm leaning mono blocks all the way!
Do those Raven amps still come with a fire extinguisher? My memory is faulty at times but I thought one of their amps went up in smoke during a Stereophile review.  Honestly though...I've heard people love the Reflection MKII.  I'd like to check one out sometime. 
Its not the power. Its the amp. Try a Raven Reflection MkII, you will have no complaints, dynamics, stage, or otherwise. Probably you will have money left over after selling the preamp, IC and power cord you no longer need, and will have no complaints about that either. Spend that money on a DBA and not only will you have no complaints you will have better bass than ever. All without spending a dime.