New Amplifier: Bryston 4B ST or Pass Aleph 5


I am thinking about revamping my system and am looking for something that can work with my Magnepan MG12s and can grow with me up the Magnepan line. I haven't thought much about pre-amps (except something like a Krell 300i, but I'm not sure how that would play with the larger Magnepans), but have started thinking about amps.

After much research on this website and others, I have found two amps that seem to be recommended more than others for Magnepans: the Bryston 4B ST and the Pass Labs Aleph 5. I'd probably also consider pre-amps from the same companies, as they seem to perform well and I like the idea of a matched amp and pre-amp.

What do you guys think? I'm leaning towards the Bryston myself. I'm definitely on a budget for the amp (under $1500) so I have already discounted the McIntoshs, Krells, of the world.

I listen to classical music (primarily instrumental, solo through small ensemble music) and currently prefer Kimber Kable interconnects and speaker wire and my Marantz CD63 KI, although these preferences could change if I was properly convinced. I am also relatively new into this realm of hi-fi.

As a former owner of a Bryston 4BST and having heard it many times with Mag's I can recommend one to you. My additional advice would be to look for a tube pre, perhaps Audio Research very nice combo with mag's

Thanks for your reply. May I ask why you would suggest a tube pre-amp with the Bryston 4B/Magnepan combination? I have to admit I have never actually heard a tube pre-amp, so maybe this is something one must just hear to appreciate ;) Do you have a particular model to recommend? Do they require a lot of up-keep and maintaince? I'd really like to stay below $1000 for the pre amp, and I always assumed a tube pre would be cost prohibitive... but maybe not?!
As far as i know the LS-3 is a solid state pre, i would suggest looking for tubed ARC ls-7, I,ve seen them hero go for around 700 dlls., Good luck Carlos