New Audioquest cables vs. Old?

It seems that the old Audioquest line (Midnight, Clear, Lapis, Diamond) are very popular on the used market. I have also read criticism of the new line, especially the speaker cable. I can't remember which magazine, but I read an audio mag. review of an amplifier, where the reviewer used AQ Granite speaker cables, & his opinion of them was pretty mediocre.

Audioquest is highly touting their new "Perfect Surface Copper" as sounding better than any conductor, including silver, that they used in the past. But unless you go to their very expensive stuff, you don't get the 12, 14, or 16 conductors per cable that you got in the old speaker cables. I have heard audiophiles say the old cables were more neutral, powerful, & wide range than the new. But why the hell do we need THAT much copper for good sound? Pick up a Transparent or MIT cable, & although very thick, they weigh nothing because they don't have this quantity of copper. Anyone have experience with the old & the new Audioquest?
I thought this thread would elicit more response. C'mon Audioquest owners, where are you? I'd like to hear from those who don't like Audioquest as well.
Kev, I think those in the know are laying low. The good, older stuff is hard enough to come by these days.

Thanks to you starting this thread I'm a bit closer to my goal as two members have been kind enough to contact me off-line and make deals for IC's. Thanks, I owe you one. Maybe two.
I have ordered a test pair of Caldera's to compare them to my Harmonic Technology Pro 11's. I will post again when I have broken them in and testing is complete. Dale
Carl eber wrote a lengthy, detailed, and very valuable review of the AQ Diamond X3 with references to new AQ products and posted here at audiogon and at another audio site.