Anyone have a take on this yet? I'm really curious. The ability to stream using bluetooth is VERY attractive.
For the headphone folk, you don't need anything but a source and some cans.
For the 'ask' I'm more than curious......
I sent an email to sales asking about this, mentioning the different cable needed for the Plus. The response I got was:

"I am sorry to report that the PGP100 will not work with the DacMagic Plus."

As this is non-responsive, I guess I will have to call. This doesn't sould like they are interested in getting a different cable.
That response is weirdly anti-sales business as you would think they'd want to sell a ton of P100s. By the way, somebody at Audio Advisor told me that the DACMagic is the best selling item they've EVER had. So none of this makes sense.
If my understanding is correct, there are major differences in the power supply between the original DacMagic and the Plus. One is AC and one is DC with a SMPS
I inquired further. The individual kindly advised that: a more rigorous power supply may coming out for the Plus; and that this information was from higher up and not elaborated upon, even with additional questioning.

This information seems to dovetail with the idea of differences in the power supplies of the DacMagic and the Plus.

I'm not sure further inquiry at this time will yield useful information. Stay tuned.
Maybe they'll make a Pangea with a dimmer LED as that's my only P100 complaint (minor).