New cart, step-up or ???

Just got a Hagerman Trumpet to go with a Joule LA-100MKIII I recently acquired. Analog front end is Benz Glider L2 (0.25mv)/OL Silver/SOTA Star Saphirre. The Trumpet has 44 dB gain, the Joule 11 dB. I have run it as is, and the volume is fine at about 11:30-12:30 rotation on the Joule. Hagerman recommends his 20 dB step-up instead of his additional gain stage; or I could stand pat, or I could go to a new, mid output MC. Recommendations?? If a new cart is in the offing, what is a good match. Price of the step up is $850, addntl gain stage $500 plus 2 way shipping, cart would be less salvage value of near new Benz ($300 +/-?) What say you, analog gurus? TIA
the variable responses I have read made me ask this question with a third option- which I am now getting some support for- getting a higher output MC cart. The Glider is pretty new, not more than 100 hrs since it was re-tipped. Anyone got any idea on the re-sale value? Then if you add in the $500 that it would cost to have Hagerman mod the Trumpet phono to provide proper gain for an MC stage or the cost of a good transformer, give me some suggestions for a cart. Pretty please? If I go to NYC, maybe I can listen to some of them.
Also just saw a Denon 500 something or other head amp with 26 & 33 dB voltage gain for $215. any thoughts?
Hi Swamp: Like the SUT the head amp do a degradation to the signal, too.
Please read to my last post to you, maybe there you can find the answer to your " problem " ( I don't know if you really have a problem ).

Regards and enjoy the music.
Post removed 

It's amazing I did not see this thread sooner. I have a Hagerman Trumpet that I am using with a LA-100 mkIII. I also have a SOTA Nova Series V and a Benz M2 cartridge on a Kuzma Stogi tonearm. I just got the K and K Lundahl step-up which now allows you to easily plug in resistor loads. I'm running parallel 47k resistors in a 1:5 step-up ratio giving me 940 ohms. The added gain of the 1:5 step-up is 14db. I had Kevin hardwire the output cable for me which I'd recommend. A great value for the price. Much less than the others you mentioned.