New CD Player

Good afternoon,


Quick question.  I have a Cary Audio CDP 1 cd player that is about 10-12 years old.  Still works and sounds good.  Being that is a bit dated, I thought about the new Marantz CD 60 cd player.  Any thoughts on how that might compare to the Cary and would it be an upgrade.

Thank you.      


Showing 2 responses by rubicon15

This is an interesting thread. Now that we have CD quality streamers and music services readily available, it’s tempting not to replace an older player. I currently have a Conrad Johnson DV-2b CD player that works perfectly. I treat it with kid gloves. Unfortunately, it can no longer be serviced or upgraded by CJ. When it dies, I don’t think it would be worth the money to replace the CD drive. It may also be next to impossible to find an individual or parts to replace the drive. On the flip side, I just picked up a Lumin U2 mini. I think CD players are similar to turntables, they will be around for a very long time. There is something special about picking up a CD or vinyl record. Good luck on your quest. 


It’s been a fantastic player. I picked it up used in mint condition over 12 years ago. I’ve read a few threads on different sites regarding the replacement of the disc assembly. Unfortunately, Sony no longer manufactures the unit. My DV still works like a champ. As you know, this player is built like a tank. Hope yours is still going strong.