New Class D amplifiers

Hello. I'm very interested in getting your opinion on the newer Class D amplifiers.  There has been a couple of very positive reviews (by Guttenberg) of the Bel Canto C6i and NAD M23.  These, and perhaps some others are offering new technology that significantly lower the class D noise level and other drawbacks.    

I currently use a Class A amp, Pass Labs INT-25 (with Dynaudio Heritage Special speakers) which has a wonderful sound. But I am transitioning to another location, and due to using Roon primarily I find that this system stays on most of the day.  Due to heat and power usage of Class A amplifiers, I'm interested in translating to Class D if I find something comparable.


@grantgg that's a pretty BIG list! What's your plan to narrow your choices? Price? Form factor?


Yes my Lyngdorf MP-40 is probably my last processor. I think it does about as good as I'm goona get. Love it's over the top adjustability and more importantly its sound. Just killer ...

+1 to Wyred4Sound IcePower class D amps. I have the ST500, which I bought used. It sounds at least as good as any solid state amp I've had. Just as important, it doesn't have thin/parched harmonics, dry treble, or that soulless "accuracy" class D is sometimes accused of.

There's an ST1000 F.S. by a Canadian seller on the other audio site that matters. Cheap money and a low-risk way to dip a toe in class D.

I did the tour with the Orchard Audio Starkrimson Stereo Ultra and had it in my system for about 9 days. It’s a fantastic amp — dynamic, great bass, good soundstage. It was better in many ways than my Belles Aria monoblocks but not enough to make me want to switch. I also spent a day listening to the Atmasphere Class D monoblocks. Also fantastic amps but felt that the Aria monoblocks were a little more dynamic and transparent. I feel like class A/B amps still have the edge but getting to be almost indistinguishable between the two.