New Class D amplifiers

Hello. I'm very interested in getting your opinion on the newer Class D amplifiers.  There has been a couple of very positive reviews (by Guttenberg) of the Bel Canto C6i and NAD M23.  These, and perhaps some others are offering new technology that significantly lower the class D noise level and other drawbacks.    

I currently use a Class A amp, Pass Labs INT-25 (with Dynaudio Heritage Special speakers) which has a wonderful sound. But I am transitioning to another location, and due to using Roon primarily I find that this system stays on most of the day.  Due to heat and power usage of Class A amplifiers, I'm interested in translating to Class D if I find something comparable.


+1 to Wyred4Sound IcePower class D amps. I have the ST500, which I bought used. It sounds at least as good as any solid state amp I've had. Just as important, it doesn't have thin/parched harmonics, dry treble, or that soulless "accuracy" class D is sometimes accused of.

There's an ST1000 F.S. by a Canadian seller on the other audio site that matters. Cheap money and a low-risk way to dip a toe in class D.

I did the tour with the Orchard Audio Starkrimson Stereo Ultra and had it in my system for about 9 days. It’s a fantastic amp — dynamic, great bass, good soundstage. It was better in many ways than my Belles Aria monoblocks but not enough to make me want to switch. I also spent a day listening to the Atmasphere Class D monoblocks. Also fantastic amps but felt that the Aria monoblocks were a little more dynamic and transparent. I feel like class A/B amps still have the edge but getting to be almost indistinguishable between the two.

If the AGD Audions are too pricey you should consider their Tempo stereo amp that probably offers a good bit of the Audions for a lot less, and like the Audions the Tempo is upgradeable as technology advances, which I view as a huge plus.  Best of luck.