New ECM Vinyl

I've got a bunch of older issues on ECM by Keith Jarret and few other folks. A lot of the music is pretty far out, but they're brilliantly recorded. They're also all at least 20-30 years old. So I was really exited to see a new ECM release on vinyl - Enrico Rava's New York Days. Both the recording and the pressing seem to be up to standard, which is a great thing.

Does anyone know if ECM is planning on making vinyl a regular offering for its new releases? Also, does anyone know if this recording is digital or analogue? It doesn't say anywhere in the jacket. Great Record though.
I've always found it interesting that when Keith Jarrett played with Miles, he didn't make any of the noises he's famous for. He did it before . . . and after. I guess Miles simply wouldn't stand for it.

I know from seeing him live that he actually can make all these noises while he's playing . . . but I sometimes wonder if on a studio recording he wants to be more precise, and multi-tracks it? I can totally see Jarrett in a vocal booth, whining away to his previously-tracked piano . . . maybe wanting to punch-in some moans that weren't quite right . . .
I will copy from another community an interesting Keith Jarret article reference (also on his ECM recordings):
Hello Waltwalden,

Thank you so much for the link in regards to Keith Jarret and ECM. What a fun read and so true. My brother is a professional jazz musician who has played all over the world with the Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller Orchestras, as well as different dates with Buddy Rich, Doc Severenson and many, many others. He knows and loves music more than anyone I know. It's funny though, because he has many instruments that he has paid thousands and thousands of dollars for but when it comes to his home stereo he was content using a budget techniques receiver, tape deck and turntable rack system. For him it's about the musical message more so than the actual sound....because his mind is able to reproduce the sounds in his head to what they should sound like....if you know what I mean. But after hearing highend audio at my home he has come to realize how much better recordings can sound in the home and likes that. So now when ever I upgrade a part of my system, I give him the item that I'm replacing and slowly but surely he is becoming a "part time" audiophile.

Sorry for the rambling. I really just meant to say thanks for sharing the article.
Grimace if it doesn't say anywhere on the jacket that's the first clue.I'm always amazed how many people tell me they think ECM is so good.I find the music on the label for the most part bland,and the sound sterile.The notable exception being Joseph Jarman (musically,yet sadly not sonically).
Yeah, some of ECM's recordings are downright unlistenable because the music is so obtuse, but when they put their recording skills into something that is listenable they are excellent. Kieth Jarret usually falls in here. Enrico Rava is generally pretty accessable. The three Tord Guftavson piano trio cds are outstanding.