New Forum Format Sucks

The new forum format sucks. The old one was perfectly fine.
Well OK now that I see how fast a response is posted it is nice, but I smell heated arguments brewing..
Mmm some things about the new platform are more user friendly, some not. I don't like the bleached white interface. Much preferred the traditional yellow interface as it was easier on the eyes. Also, still no ability to post images/photos?? And no ability to like or say thank you for posts. C'mon A'gon!
OMG. all I can see is this bright white background with small black words, I'm putting on my sunglasses!

Please improve on the background contrast and print size...I’m dying here. 

Also,can a click on button/tab be installed to quickly go to the end of a thread/post instead of the old lame...hold the arrow in the bar to the right until I finally get to the bottom of the thread.
Can AG please add the ability to directly quote posts, instead of using archaic mark up tags?