@hilde45 - If you are including me in your teamwork snark, sorry to disappoint you . I read the review from the above link and the WBF comments ,and have an interest in seeing if I can demo the cable. Nothing lost by doing so, and possibly a better SQ realization in my system

Ditto here too. Never heard of OP (or anyone else posting here) before I answered this thread. I bought my entry level Hemingway PC at retail from an authorized dealer and the speaker cables used from a fellow Audiogoner.


Man ...some of these posts are getting as bad as the snarking on CNN and Fox News casts......it is a great hobby have some fun. Now relative to the OP's post , I recently purchased a used Hemingway Creation power cord from an established and very well respected Audiogon member here who really enjoyed Hemingway cables. So I purchased the Hemingway Creation power cord from him and placed it in my system. I will say that in my system and will say that once again , that in my system the Hemingway Creation power cord had an immediate presence. A presence that seemed to be an addition or to an added extent an '' energy '' or '' sizzle '' to the sound. I was not prepared for this effect if you will. It was like to the treble got an added jolt of energy and what I thought was very odd was that the drummer's foot pedal / bass drum sound was front an center and very prominent which is not the usual case even in live music. I am not saying that it was bad thing but there is definite something going on with these cables in the way they are made and the materials used. I sold my HC cable to another Audigoner here who is using it in his all tube system as my system is all solid state Accuphase and absolutely loves it ! I personally did not understand or like that proposed excess energy that the Hemingway added to my systems sound. It is however and just my 2 cents a company and cable worth looking into. Stay well and safe these days …...

You implied that a few of us were in collusion by our comments showing interest