Yes, I moved faster than the Flash to get the L6. Gosh I love this unit. Wow!
And I will not part with the SL speakers. I have optimized the system around these. I just need to get the amps back online. But last night the lowly Counterpoint amp did its backup duty to show the pure magic of the L6.
Right out of the box, the L6's resolution and tonality was exceptional except for one thing .."where's the bass?" I was thinking the Counterpoint was just not able to do it. And yet this was not a problem with the Manley Ref DAC or APL Denon player. And then an hour l realized the bass had arrived and everything had become silky smooth. This unit so rapidly made me forget about the system and got me into the musical enjoyment.
It clearly takes the L6 an hour or so to warm up and I was just too impatient to wait this required time to listen before powering on a cold unit. Being a tubeaholic for 30+ years, I knew better. But I just could not wait to hear this. I will keep the unit powered on all the time now.