New Mac Mini Outputs

I was thinking about a Mac Mini as a first step into PC Audio (24/96), but I see the new one has only USB, HDMI, and Firewire. Would it be better to buy a used Mini with S/PDIF, or not, and if so what model? Thanks.

Just to clarify a couple of Mach2 related quotes, some taken from a few months ago, and some recently. Our opinion is:

1) 2011 Mac Mini > 2010 Mac Mini
2) Stock Snow Leopard > Stock Lion

We just released a Lion Mach2 but we had to do much more to Lion to make it sound good, more than most people will want to try on their own.

Mach2 Snow Leopard is similar in sound to Mach2 Lion, but not exact. Overall, I personally prefer the Mach2 Snow Leopard, but this decision could come to system synergy. They both sound excellent.


If you have a 2010, I recommend you go with Snow Leopard. I think Lion does better music playback when it has the i5 core processor and Sata III speed behind it. Snow leopard sounds great on the 2010 (and 2011 for that matter).

I wasn't clear, the new minis sound better using snow leopard. So USB sharing mustn't be too bad......... It depends on how the harware handles muliple tasks , i5 and i7 chips are far better at this, Lion enables hyper-threading so the second cores can be fully utilized.

Fan doesn't come on when playing music, only when converting video or something that can actually stress an i7 chip, mini is only slightly warm otherwise.

We shall see what happens with thunderbolt, it's more than data transfer if you can run the new display from it at those resolutions and still use FireWire/USB.

It's a mute debate as thus time next year there'll be something else!
@Alan49 regarding Thunderbolt hard drives will be of little use in a dedicated music server at this point"

At this moment you are correct because Magma and others haven't yet released PCI expansion via thunderbolt. When that happens, you could use a SOTM PCI USB card and power it with a linear or battery PSU. Dedicated/Unshared USB with independent PSU and the ability to disable the 5v output over USB would be a big deal for some folks.