New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Anyone know the thread size for cartridge screws. I'm having an amazingly hard time finding out, calling everyone I can think of who might know. I believe, at least the ones I use for my Benz based Cardas Heart, are metric.
Dear Oilmanmojo
I wondered where that beautiful ol' table went. Glad to hear its still spinning!

Peter Breuninger
peter; it got bunged up during shipping, Platter was dented on edge, corian was cracked, and arm rest was cracked, but with some patiences and excellent support from Greg Davis, (seller), i was able to get it running and repaired. I plan on posting my system soon because it is a neat table. I must commend maplenoll on the system. Most tables would have been trashed after the beating this table took but it is built like a tank. i would like to implement some of the other tweaks others have done but damnit, i just want to listen to my records. I still can't get over how quiet the table is and what sound stage i am hearing. Still tweaking the VTA and have not even gotten to the oil damping trough so i know there will even be more improvements. Kind of scary since i thought I heard the best with my earlier Gyrodec but this system is a level above anything I could do with the gyro. I love that airbearing arm! It is a good fit with my zyx airy3. thanks for the note
Olimanmojo: Apparently the Ariadne TT does not travel well. A fellow id'ed as Paul had contacted me after having a similar shipping experience. I referred him to this bolg to assist the tables reconstruction. I hope he reads our threads.
Packing with lots of bubble wrap would probably have prevented the damage to my table but that takes time and effort. I think the rugged construction and weight just gives the impression it does not need much packing. Anyway, i think if I ever get another used table, i will work to pick it up if possible. I have never had a problem moving one in my vehicle. If the paul wants needs some help please refer him to me and i will share some of the things i did to "fix" my issues. The tough repair was the corian but i did find a supplier that would sell me the seam glue that pretty much worked like a charm.