New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Thanks for all of the tips and ideas to set up a maplenoll. I finally have the oil trough installed and am working on tweaking the vtf and vta to find the best setting. Huge improvement in bass response as the oil system was implemented. I really like the way the zyx air 3 works with this system. I love to listen to the Buckingham/Nicks album,great soundstage and incredible detail from the subtle acoustics to the incredible range of vocals from the two singers. The Dr John, Night Tripper album is another one that just comes alive with this system. You can almost smell the french quarter listening to it. I am still looking for a permanent air compressor system that is quiet enough but can deliver the pressure i am looking for. Anyone have experience with Jun-Air? They are a little pricey but based on the specs, seem to be a solid and quiet compressor. I am also looking to make a carbon fiber tonearm to see what improvement that will have. Again thanks for the tips.
Threaders : A good friend suggested that the Stillpoints Universal Resonance Dampers would be a perfect match for the 'Noll . A couple days later the Stillpoints and Risers appeared for sale on the 'Gon and I purchased them.

The difference is dramatic. The table has undergone such a transformation that I'm in a state of disbelief . For the money I have never encountered such a musical change. The Stillpoints are so critical I do not feel I could part with them . In my opinion neither brass or lead can compete with the Stillpoints.

Its essential that the entire kit of risers and points be used so the table can be fully adjusted. A set of 3 risers and points will set you back $400.00 retail. Worth every penny . Check out for the tech. details.
The addition of the stillpoints created an abrupt change in my thinking.

Forget a change in arms...Perhaps forget a radical change to the table. JUST ... Buy the Stillpoints/w Risers ... Remember, the Raven AC comes with them @ $10K US. The AC is also an unsuspended TT.

This whole experience beyond whatever I guessed the the improvement could be , or should be. A 'Noll w/a Stillpoints Pkg. is another table.

I know that I may sound "preachy" but the experience has been mind-bending.
What type of stillpoint/riser did you get and how did you install? did you replace the brass cones with the stillpoint cone? The technology basically creates a suspension for the maplenoll. I have experienced how easy vibration finds its way to the music so i understand how this can help. WHat difference did you hear? Were the quiet passages quieter? Just trying to understand where to expect the improvement. On a separate note, have you ever rebalanced or smoothed out your platter. I still have a "bump" in mine that I am working to eliminate myself using a random pattern sander. Do i need to take the platter to a machine shop to have it properly leveled?
Oilmanmojo: The exact product is The Stillpoints , Universal Resonance Damper , , 1-800-830-1557. The Riser is actually a "threaded cup" that allows you to screw in or out the stillpoint for adjustment purposes.

What did I hear ? An entirely different soundstage; deeper 3-D effect, greater space between instruments, voices that float effortlessy in the air, the deepest bass I have ever extracted from LP's with my rig. A musical presentation that enveloped my sences , something I only experienced with TT and Tonearms costing a king's ransom .

I'm in a state of shock how MUCH MORE MUSIC that Table can produce and I have yet to implement all the tweeks suggested by Piedpiper.

As for the platter I have not yet re-balanced mine ... I would consider professional assistance to smooth out the "bump". Do you have a s.o.t.a. model airplane association in your area? I have been told that some groups have professional balancing machines for plane props. Since prop balancing is of such importance to flight I suspect several members maybe of assistence. Just an informed guess.